Article II.1 (Basis)

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Constitution: Article II[edit]


  1. The basis of the corporation is the infallible Word of God.
  2. The corporation is governed by the principle that all things have been created to the end that the Triune God may be glorified in and through them.
  3. The following statement shall be the doctrinal basis of the corporation.
1. About God: We believe in the one living and true God, the almighty Lord, infinite in excellence. God exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God created all things out of nothing; creation is sustained by, and exists to, glorify God.
2. About the Bible: We believe that the Bible is God’s self-revelation to us, faithfully recorded by God’s servants who were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. This written Word of God is without error in all that it teaches, and is given to lead us to repentance and obedience to Christ, the Living Word of God. The Bible is the entirely trustworthy and fully authoritative foundation for individual and community faith and life.
3. About Humankind: We believe that God created human beings in God’s own image for loving and faithful relationship with God and others. Creation in the image of the Creator bestows special dignity and value on all human beings, and mandates us to be God’s agents of creativity, care, and compassion in the world. We acknowledge that because of willful rebellion humans became separated from God, the source of all life, alienated from each other, and deserving of judgment.
4. About Salvation: We believe that out of sovereign love and grace God has provided the one way of salvation through the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Although truly God, the Son became a fellow human through his incarnation. Jesus walked in complete righteousness as our representative, and gave his life to rescue humankind from sin and guilt. Jesus rose again as the conqueror of death and now lives and reigns as the Savior of all who call on him in trusting faith. Jesus’ righteousness is the only ground of acceptance before God and deliverance from judgment. We receive that as God’s gracious gift by faith alone in Christ apart from any works.
5. About the People of God: We believe that God dwells in the hearts of all believers through the Holy Spirit, who assures us that we are God’s children. The Spirit binds us to God and to each other as members of the Church, the Body of Christ. The Spirit renews us, writes the law of love on our hearts, and empowers us to walk in ways that please God. The Spirit impels us to testify that Jesus alone is Savior and Lord and guides us to be people of peace and justice in all arenas of life.
6. About the End of History: We believe in the return of our Lord Jesus visibly and personally to this world as he promised to complete God’s plan of salvation. God will raise all people to face the final judgment, welcoming all who are united to Christ by faith into everlasting life, but banishing from his presence all who have refused to believe. This world and all evil will pass away, but we eagerly wait for a new heaven and new earth where we will praise and enjoy him forever.
Furthermore: We acknowledge that among the various Christian groups in our community there may be some variety in faith positions on specific matters of teaching and practice. While we agree on the above points of our faith, we promise to show respect and kindness towards one another in regard to other matters concerning the Christian faith on which we may differ.

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